We Help Businesses Generate More Leads and Sales Through Facebook Ads


What We Do For Your Business

We take new clients to your door through paid advertisement on Facebook.

This way, you can focus on what really matters in your business - without having to worry about where your next client is coming from.

How We Do It

VivoDigital delivers a consistent flow of profitable new customers seeking
electrical services in your area. We take the time of finding new customers off your hands, giving you more time to grow your business.

Industry Experts

With our experience in advertising for electrical companies, we know which strategies and messages will engage your desired customers and generate high-quality leads.

Transparent Reporting

Reporting gives valuable insight on how your ads are doing, which is why we prioritize being transparent when it comes reporting. It ensures accountability, and will help you to make informed decisions about your marketing.

Dedicated Account Manager

Your media buyer will take care of your business and if you have any questions, they are here to help.

Budget-Based Billing

You have full control on how much you want to spend on lead-generation, making budgeting simple for you.

How It Works

Potential Leads See Our Ads

Facebook users will see our ads on Facebook.

Prospects Will Click On Our Ads

Users that are interested in our ads will be sent to a landing page.

Welcome Your New Leads

All of the leads will be sent directly to you.



Free 15-Minute Intro Call

By the end of this Audit call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results online with Funnels & Paid Advertising.

Find a time on our calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!


  • ​Businesses looking to understand their increased revenue potential with paid advertising.

  • ​Businesses looking to maximize their conversion rates.

  • ​Businesses looking for a reliable agency that can make their company a priority.

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